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The 7 major dog groups in a nutshell

1. The Working group- these dogs are service, therapy, police, military, detection, search and rescue, and herding.

2. The Terrier group- was bred to hunt, kill vermin, and guard family, home, or barn.   3. The Toy group- let’s just say they are not short on personality!   4. The Non Sporting group- varies in size, coats, and personalities. Most are good watchdogs and house dogs.   5.  The Herding group- they gather herd and protect livestock.   6.  The Hound group- they were bred for hunting.   7. The Sporting group- they work closely with hunters to locate and/or retrieve quarry. Known for their great instincts in water and woods, many enjoy hunting and other field activities.   Domesticated cats come in 3 groups 1. The house cats 2. Semi feral 3. Truly feral varieties   There are nearly 100 domesticated cat breeds

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